Cleaning the Crypt

Is anyone looking for angel wings? extra copies of the BCP?

Looking for a Lenten discipline and a way to help out St. Mary’s?

Come to the church during Lent and help us sort/organize/clean out the crypt. We have many items we no longer use, requiring space and care. Lent is a good time to make a fresh start—to let go of things we no longer use or need.

When? Three Saturdays in Lent
February 24, March 16, and March 23
We’ll start at 9:30 and end at noon

Come with working clothes, empty/sturdy boxes, and enjoy each other's company as we clean out the crypt. No heavy lifting required; but expect to move/carry many small items.

On Sunday, March 17 we will invite the congregation to review all the items, to take home what they wish. The rest will be donated or tossed.

If you like cleaning/organizing, now's your chance! Organized by your most favorite Altar Guild co-chairs, a.k.a. Susan Nelson and Carol Harber.


Year-End Financial Report


Lent at St. Mary’s